Editorial Advisory Boards

Editorial Advisory Boards

Editorial Advisory Boards at ESRO

At ESRO Publishing Company, we place a paramount emphasis on the composition and contributions of our Editorial Advisory Boards (EABs). Our commitment to diversity, inclusivity, and academic excellence drives the formation of EABs that reflect a rich tapestry of global perspectives and expertise.

Diversity in Expertise and Background

We are dedicated to the inclusion of members from all corners of the world, with particular emphasis on those from Developing Countries (DCs). Our aim is to ensure a diverse EAB in terms of cultures, age groups, levels of experience, and gender representation. We actively seek distinguished academics and professionals from leading national universities and research institutions.

In our pursuit of diversity, we also extend invitations to individuals from underrepresented groups, including women, youth, and emerging academics and researchers. Our commitment to diversity extends to ensuring that each EAB member's expertise represents the full spectrum of subject areas covered by our journals' scopes, including those we plan to expand into.

Global Reach and Academic Rigor

ESRO Publishing Company takes pride in the global outlook of its editorial committees. Members bring a wealth of academic and professional backgrounds to enrich the quality of the review process. Their varied geographic interests foster a uniquely comprehensive editorial experience. We are immensely grateful for our distinguished EAB members who generously offer their invaluable insights and comments, enhancing the quality of papers across all our publications. Their dedication and commitment in providing their time and efforts are central to our mission.

EAB Members for ESRO Journals

Our Editorial Advisory Boards oversee the following ESRO journals:

- ESRO Journal of Sustainable Technology and Science Development (Outlook)

- ESRO World Journal of Sustainable Technology and Science Development (WJSTSD)

- ESRO World Journal of Environmental Management and Sustainable Development (WJEMSD)

- ESRO World Journal of Water and Sustainable Development (WJWSD)

- ESRO International Journal of Sustainable Research (IJSR)

- ESRO International Journal of Innovation, Knowledge, and Management in the Middle East and North Africa (IJIKMMENA)

- ESRO International Journal of Food, Nutrition, and Public Health (IJFNPH)

Join Our EAB

We continuously seek nominations for distinguished academic and professional colleagues interested in joining our Editorial Advisory Board to support our journals. If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact Arshad Mohmand at

Duties and Responsibilities of EAB Members

Members of the Editorial Advisory Board play a vital role in the success and impact of our journals. Your duties include, but are not limited to:

- Promotion: Act as ambassadors for the journal, both nationally and internationally. Promote the journal's editorial scope and focus, new EAB appointments, relevant conferences, market insights, and best paper nominations. Share new content alerts within your networks and recommend the journal to your organization's information professionals.

- Collaboration: Liaise with the Editor-in-Chief, particularly in selecting reviewers and making recommendations for publication acceptance.

- Reviewer Management: Develop a list of potential reviewers, including their contact information. This is essential for acknowledging all reviewers in the journal at a later stage.

- Paper Review: Conduct paper reviews promptly and adhere to deadlines with utmost attention and professionalism.

- Contributions: Consider submitting your own articles to the journal and encourage colleagues and contacts to submit their work. This helps ensure the broad subject remit of the journal is covered and encourages a range of contributions.

- Guest Contributions: Offer occasional guest viewpoints or comment articles on topics of interest to you and the journal's readers.

- Journal Ambassador: Act as a journal ambassador to raise awareness about the journal at conferences and in discussions with colleagues and contacts. Utilize social media to extend the journal's reach.

- Guest Editor: Whenever possible, serve as a Guest Editor for special or themed journal issues.

- Strategy Advisor: Provide feedback, constructive criticism, and information to the Editor-in-Chief to assist in the development and direction of the journal. This includes evaluating the journal's meeting of community needs, defining goals, assessing competition, sharing innovative ideas, and assessing the journal's strengths and areas for improvement.

At ESRO, our Editorial Advisory Boards play a pivotal role in shaping the quality and impact of our journals. We invite you to join us in advancing sustainable research, science, and technology.